
Joke Category Creator Rating
Why were Rudolph’s parents upset with his grades? Funny
by iblankenship
(6 votes)
Why did the tree think the dog was talking to him? Funny
Bar Dog
by iblankenship
(10 votes)
Which month has 28 days? Brain Teaser
by iblankenship
(8 votes)
What’s it called when you steal someone’s coffee? Funny
by iblankenship
(4 votes)
What is a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument? Funny
Kids Music
by iblankenship
(8 votes)
What do you get if you cross a cat with a bottle of vinegar? Funny
by iblankenship
(8 votes)
What do you call a pile of kittens? Funny
by iblankenship
(3 votes)
What did the mathematician’s parrot say? Funny
by iblankenship
(7 votes)
What did the alien say to the cat? Funny
by iblankenship
(2 votes)
How many bananas can you eat if your stomach is empty? Funny
by iblankenship
(5 votes)