
Joke Category Creator Rating
Why wouldn't the dog dance? Funny
by bwebb
(3 votes)
Why do dogs bury bones in the ground? Funny
by aleach
(4 votes)
Why did the tree think the dog was talking to him? Funny
Bar Dog
by iblankenship
(10 votes)
Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Funny
Dog Kids
by lsanchez
(6 votes)
Why did the man use ketchup in the rain? Funny
Cat Dog Weather
by agordon
(5 votes)
Why did the dog cross the road? Funny
Bar Dog
by kherrera
(9 votes)
Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund? Funny
Animal Dog
by jblack
(3 votes)
Why did Dracula apply for a job at the prison? Funny
Dog Kids
by mbyrd
(9 votes)
What was the dogs favorite type of homework to do? Funny
Dog Work
by srich
(6 votes)
What’s worse than raining cats and dogs? Funny
Cat Dog
by knewman
(7 votes)