
Joke Category Creator Rating
Yellow I look and massive I weigh. In the morning I come to brighten your day. What am I? Brain Teaser
by lortiz
(4 votes)
Why is 1 == 1 funny? Brain Teaser
by askinner
(7 votes)
Which month has 28 days? Brain Teaser
by iblankenship
(8 votes)
Where is the ocean the deepest? Brain Teaser
by askinner
(4 votes)
What word begins and ends with an E, but only has one letter? Brain Teaser
by askinner
(4 votes)
What travels around the world but stays in one corner? Brain Teaser
by agordon
(5 votes)
What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters? Brain Teaser
by lsanchez
(8 votes)
What only gets wetter the more it dries? Brain Teaser
by bgibson
(8 votes)
What kind of cheese is made backwards? Brain Teaser
by jdavidson
(2 votes)
What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of? Brain Teaser
by agordon
(4 votes)