
Joke Category Creator Rating
What kind of music do windmills like? Play on Words
Music Weather
by gellis
(10 votes)
What kind of Christmas music do elves like? Funny
Christmas Music
by mcain
(4 votes)
What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite kind of music? Funny
Easter Music
by nhamilton
(5 votes)
What is Beethoven doing now? Funny
by knewman
(2 votes)
What is a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument? Funny
Kids Music
by iblankenship
(8 votes)
What instrument does a turkey play? Funny
by kmathis
(6 votes)
What happens if you play a county song backwards? Funny
Dog Music
by lsanchez
(7 votes)
What genre of music does a mummy like the best? Funny
Kids Music
by ravery
(7 votes)
What do you get when you play New Age music backwards? Funny
by vjames
(5 votes)
What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft? Funny
by askinner
(6 votes)