
Joke Category Creator Rating
What do chemists’ dogs do with their bones? Funny
Bar Dog
by zburnett
(4 votes)
What do dogs study for their PhDs? Funny
Bar Dog
by zburnett
(2 votes)
What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work? Funny
Bar Work
by rtrejo
(5 votes)
Why didn’t the embarrassed crow chase the hawk away? Funny
Animal Bar
by nhamilton
(6 votes)
Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber? Funny
Bar Christmas
by nbeasley
(6 votes)
Why was the chef embarrassed? Funny
by mbyrd
(8 votes)
What’s a composer’s favorite style of beer? Funny
by kherrera
(2 votes)
Why did the dog cross the road? Funny
Bar Dog
by kherrera
(9 votes)
Why did the tree think the dog was talking to him? Funny
Bar Dog
by iblankenship
(10 votes)
Why didn’t Handel go shopping? Funny
Bar Music
by dortiz
(3 votes)