
Joke Category Creator Rating
Why do great teachers always answer a question with a question? Funny
by agordon
(2 votes)
What vegetables do librarians like? Funny
by blarson
(4 votes)
What happened to the Easter bunny at school? Funny
Easter School
by ewoods
(3 votes)
Why didn’t the zombie go to school? Funny
Kids School
by iramirez
(2 votes)
Did you hear about the teacher with exotropia? Funny
by jgraves
(8 votes)
What do you get if you add apples and oranges? Funny
Math School
by kherrera
(6 votes)
Yellow I look and massive I weigh. In the morning I come to brighten your day. What am I? Brain Teaser
by lortiz
(4 votes)
Did you hear about the zombie race? Funny
by lsanchez
(9 votes)
What’s the smartest animal? Funny
Animal School
by mbrown
(2 votes)
What do you say to Santa when he’s taking attendance at school? Funny
Christmas School
by nhamilton
(6 votes)