
Joke Category Creator Rating
Did you hear about the carrot detective? Uncategorized
by brandall
(3 votes)
Did you hear the rumor about the greedy peanut butter? Uncategorized
by jdavidson
(4 votes)
How do you get a hipster to eat a hot dog? Funny
Dog Food
by gellis
(5 votes)
I would become a vegetarian if it weren't for one thing. Funny
by agordon
(7 votes)
What are hot dogs called in winter? Funny
Dog Food
by jnorton
(8 votes)
What does a nosy pepper do? Funny
by rbarber
(3 votes)
What do sea monsters eat? Funny
Food Science
by temesgen
(0 votes)
What do they serve at birthday parties in heaven? Funny
Birthday Food
by ewoods
(8 votes)
What do you call a running turkey? Funny
by jdavidson
(6 votes)
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Funny
by jgould
(3 votes)