
Joke Category Creator Rating
Why did the cow cross the road? Play on Words
by lcurry
(5 votes)
Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund? Funny
Animal Dog
by jblack
(3 votes)
Why did the baby elephant need a new suitcase for her vacation? Funny
Animal Cat
by ksimpson
(5 votes)
Why didn’t the embarrassed crow chase the hawk away? Funny
Animal Bar
by nhamilton
(6 votes)
Why are frogs so happy? Funny
by lortiz
(2 votes)
Why are bunnies the luckiest animals? Funny
Animal Easter
by lsanchez
(7 votes)
Where do whales play music? Funny
Animal Music
by kherrera
(6 votes)
Where did the sheep go on vacation? Funny
Animal Cat
by askinner
(2 votes)
Where are fish in orbit? Funny
by kmclaughlin
(6 votes)
What would bears be without Bees? Funny
by ksimpson
(5 votes)