
Joke Category Creator Rating
What did the toad say when he parked illegally? Funny
by zburnett
(9 votes)
Why did the rooster cross the road? Funny
by zburnett
(9 votes)
What did the baby elephant ask his mom before they left for vacation? Funny
Animal Cat
by zburnett
(6 votes)
what we can call fish with out eye ? Play on Words
by temesgen
(0 votes)
What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down? Play on Words
Animal Corny
by susan
(1 vote)
What did the boy sheep say to her naughty son? Funny
by rtrejo
(5 votes)
Why did the judge say to the poacher who claimed he didn’t know elephant poaching was illegal? Funny
by rbarber
(2 votes)
Why did the whale cross the ocean? Funny
by rbarber
(5 votes)
Why didn’t the embarrassed crow chase the hawk away? Funny
Animal Bar
by nhamilton
(6 votes)
What did the dolphin say when he broke the dish? Funny
by nbeasley
(7 votes)