
Joke Category Creator Rating
Why did the grape go out with the prune? Funny
by lsanchez
(5 votes)
Did you hear about the nearsighted porcupine? Funny
by lsanchez
(5 votes)
Why did the police arrest the turkey? Funny
by lsanchez
(4 votes)
Did you hear about the zombie race? Funny
by lsanchez
(9 votes)
What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters? Brain Teaser
by lsanchez
(8 votes)
What happens if you play a county song backwards? Funny
Dog Music
by lsanchez
(7 votes)
Why does Santa have three garden plots up at the North Pole? Funny
by lsanchez
(5 votes)
How do you find the value of taking Yule the the xth power? Funny
by lsanchez
(5 votes)
Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Funny
Dog Kids
by lsanchez
(6 votes)
Why are bunnies the luckiest animals? Funny
Animal Easter
by lsanchez
(7 votes)