
Joke Category Creator Rating
What do you call a cold poodle? Funny
by srich
(3 votes)
What was the dogs favorite type of homework to do? Funny
Dog Work
by srich
(6 votes)
What do a dog and a phone have in common? Funny
Corny Dog
by vjames
(5 votes)
What do dogs do after they finish obedience school? Funny
Dog School
by vjames
(4 votes)
What do dogs study for their PhDs? Funny
Bar Dog
by zburnett
(2 votes)
What do chemists’ dogs do with their bones? Funny
Bar Dog
by zburnett
(4 votes)
What do you get when you combine an insomniac, an agnostic, and a dyslexic? Funny
by zburnett
(5 votes)
What happened when the dog went to the flea circus? Funny
by zreilly
(2 votes)