
Joke Category Creator Rating
What is black, white, and red all over? Funny
by hsheppard
(4 votes)
Why do birds fly south in the fall? Funny
by mbyrd
(4 votes)
How long do chickens work? Funny
Animal Work
by knewman
(4 votes)
Why did the judge say to the poacher who claimed he didn’t know elephant poaching was illegal? Funny
by rbarber
(2 votes)
Where are fish in orbit? Funny
by kmclaughlin
(6 votes)
Why did the baby elephant need a new suitcase for her vacation? Funny
Animal Cat
by ksimpson
(5 votes)
Why did the kangaroo stop drinking coffee? Funny
Animal Coffee
by hsheppard
(2 votes)
What kind of math do owls like? Funny
Animal Math
by lortiz
(4 votes)
Why did the whale cross the ocean? Funny
by rbarber
(5 votes)
What’s the smartest animal? Funny
Animal School
by mbrown
(2 votes)