
Joke Category Creator Rating
What did the seal say when his friend told him a joke? Funny
by jnorton
(5 votes)
What did the Buffalo say to his son when he went off to college? Funny
by jnorton
(6 votes)
What would bears be without Bees? Funny
by ksimpson
(5 votes)
Why shouldn’t you visit an expensive wig shop? Funny
by mabbott
(5 votes)
What did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe? Funny
by jgraves
(2 votes)
What do you get when two dinosaurs crash their cars? Funny
by rbarber
(3 votes)
What job did the frog have at the hotel? Funny
by brandall
(1 vote)
What do you call a pig that does karate? Funny
by knewman
(2 votes)
What do you call an everyday potato? Funny
by hsheppard
(2 votes)
What do you call a cat that goes bowling? Funny
by rbarber
(7 votes)